Hardware.info, a leading technology website in the Netherlands, has closed down

Hardware.info, a leading technology website in the Netherlands, has closed down

Hardware.info is closing down

The Dutch community has lost one of the largest tech sites. 

A popular website about PC hardware from the Netherlands, has closed down. Hardware.info was a well-known website that provided comprehensive reviews and comparisons of computer hardware components. In 2023, they published 260 reviews and 440 reviews since March 2020.

The website’s closure is definitely a significant loss for the computer hardware community, especially for those who live in the Netherlands and relied on Hardware.info’s reviews to make informed decisions about purchasing computer hardware.

Hardware Info: The End

[..] Today marks the final day of editorial updates for Hardware Info. This article is written by me, Frank Everaardt, with a heavy heart. Personally, I would have liked to continue for many more years. The motivated crew and the exciting developments in this market have given me tremendous energy and drive. Thanks to that, I was able to lead this site 24/7 and write over 260 reviews this year. [..]

In 2016, the company became too much for the three tech enthusiasts, and Hardware Info was sold to the Persgroep, now DPG Media. The year before, I was out of commission for a few months due to an unfortunate fall. I still think about the many cards I received from all of you, including one with duct tape: you can fix anything with it, even a Frank. And yes, I’ve kept all your cards. Thanks again. As I type this, it moves me.

The years that followed were different. A small company like Hardware Info is different from a large organization like DPG Media, with many great colleagues and reputable brands.

Since September 2021, I’ve been at the helm of this site again. We’ve worked on significant editorial improvements, and I’m incredibly proud of the team that made it possible. I also thank the many brands that supported us. With over 440 reviews since March 2022 and numerous background articles, we brought HWI back to its high standards. I owe a great deal of thanks to everyone who contributed to this.

We stand on the brink of a new year. First and foremost, I wish you a fantastic and healthy 2024. Unfortunately, now is the moment when the site will close, and I’ll be closing the door on DPG Media. I will remain active in this market but no longer with this familiar brand and in this now-familiar home.

Once again, thank you,
Frank Everaardt

The Editor-in-Chief, Frank Everaardt did not provide a direct reason why the site has closed down. However, the editorial team has been in a process of merging with another Dutch website called Tweakers.net, which also offers news posts and reviews. Both outlets are owned by DPG Media.

According to the statement, the site has will be archived, and user accounts will be anonymized.

Source: Hardware.info


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